I am drawn to the land of madness, my soul desires it

Junun vodisigʻa moyil koʻrarman joni zorimni (translation to english by Adiblar)

I am drawn to the land of madness, my soul desires it

I search for a way to break free from this chaotic world

Though I may have fallen victim to the cruelty of the heavens,

I will continue to search for the path that leads to freedom.

Oh fate, why do you test me so relentlessly, denying me my desires?

But even if you send me to the gallows, I will still pursue my dreams.

Tears have dried on the cheeks of the rose, leaving the saffron in its place

The sky may have brought cruel winds, but I will find my own spring.

I swear by my heart, I will work tirelessly to achieve my goals

Whether day or night, I will strive to reach my dreams.

Let all who witness my misery look upon me with pity,

For I am but a mere slave to the desires of my heart.

Oh cupbearer, pour me a drink from the bitter cup of life

For even if it poisons me, I will still drink it to the dregs.

The world may hold me captive, but I will not be defeated

Oh Navoi, help me find my way to freedom, where no obstacles remain.

This ghazal by Alisher Navoiy is a passionate plea to break free from the mundane world and enter into the realm of madness. The poet speaks of his desire to find a way to escape the chaotic world and pursue his dreams, despite the challenges he faces. He acknowledges the cruel fate that often stands in his way but is determined to keep searching for a path to freedom.

Navoiy uses vivid imagery to depict the beauty of the natural world, but also the harsh reality of life's struggles. He speaks of the rose's tears drying and the sky's cruel winds, but still holds hope for his own spring. The poet vows to work tirelessly to achieve his goals, regardless of the challenges he may face, and urges others to look upon him with pity as he struggles to break free from his heart's desires.

Navoiy calls upon the help of a higher power, to pour him a drink from the bitter cup of life, and guide him towards a path of freedom. The ghazal is a beautiful and passionate expression of the human desire for something greater and the struggles that come with pursuing one's dreams.

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